Wilkie Collins, No Name (1862)
In for a dollar, in for multiple Wilkie Collins novels, as they say. Let's not beat around the bush: holy shit is this novel good. Better than The Woman in White? Substantially better than The Woman in White. The thing is, though, it's extremely hard to talk about in any meaningful way without venturing into spoiler territory, which is a place you really don't want to venture. You kind of could talk about The Woman in White without spoilers, because that novel is all about its central mysteries, and there's no need to reveal those. But as Collins himself notes in his prefatory note, No Name doesn't actually have a central mystery in the same way. Instead, there's the sort of perpetual mystery of "holy SHIT what's gonna happen next?!?" And you can't say anything without touching on that. I know that nobody actually reads this blog for literary recommendations, but take it from me: you would do well to just pick up the damn novel in lieu of reading this entry. I mean, I'm not going to go out of my way to spoil things, but spoil things I will.