Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Patricia Eakins, The Hungry Girls and Other Stories (1989) and The Marvelous Adventures of Pierre Baptiste: Father and Mother, First and Last (1999)

I accidentally deleted this when I was purging the opera posts, so here it is back again.

OKAY, RIGHT. Books. They exist. When Tough Poets reissued Hungry Girls,, it included glowing blurbs from the likes of Robert Coover, comparing it to Borges and Calvino. You've gotta be at least a little curious.

Long Overdue: New Blog

I suppose I really should have started a new blog as soon as I started reviewing operas. I wasn't quite cognizant at the time of just how into operas I was going to get, and the extent to which they'd devour this blog here. So, now everything in its proper place. I'm going to delete all the opera posts here (if they're still here as you're reading this), because I've transferred them all (with comments!) to the new blog.  This blog is coming like a ghost blog, but it seems like the best way to do things.

I wasn't sure what to call it: I kind of wanted to go super-minimalistic and just get opera.blogspot.com, but no surprise, that wasn't available. What IS a little more irritating is why it isn't available: somebody started a blog with the subtitle "about operaperformances," but it's totally blank: not a single post.  Operas? Nope. Operareview? Taken. Operareviews? You guessed it. Ultimately, I decided that it would be a good idea to emphasize the fact that mine is in fact the only opera blog on the internet, so it's called The Only Opera Blog. Please enjoy.


This post is a test.  Will it pass?  Find out soon!