Okay, staggering towards the finish the line...in spite of the “flying saucer” right there in the title, you wouldn't really call this “science fiction” except incidentally. This is actually...I suppose a “spy novel,” if anything. The idea is that after people saw how powerful the Martians' flying saucer was, everyone wanted to get their hands on it and the Martians just got sick of it all and fucked off back to Mars. But Uncle Ben, being a genius, has written up plans to make one of his own to provide the US with, I suppose, a Space Force avant la lettre. But oh no! Foreign Spies want the plans for their own nefarious purposes! So to get rid of them, our heroes concoct a scheme where Freddy pretends to steal the plans, only actually he steals fake plans and lets the spies steal them. Is he worried about his reputation? Well, “any good American would sacrifice his reputation to get flying saucers for his country.” All right then. This is made difficult by the fact that there are actually spies from tons of different countries (I believe seventeen is the number specified), and they're all trying to stop one another, so it's hard to get the plans to just one. But Freddy does, only to have it revealed that, oops, Ben actually gave him the REAL plans. JESUS CHRIST, Ben. So now we gotta get that back, which for some unclear reason involves Freddy disguising himself as a gypsy woman (hoo boy). It should've been revealed in the ending that the “real” plans still didn't work. That woulda made the whole thing admittedly kind of funny, if trolly.
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