
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Untitled Post

I always feel the need to preface posts about politics by noting that anything could happen in November, but holy shit, the way we're breaking conservatives' brains by calling them "weird"--I am SO there for it.  Matt Walsh is one of the worst people to ever live, so I take unalloyed joy at him beclowning himself here:

Uh...hey, Matt?   You're doing the thing again.  You know, the thing we're calling you weird for?  I mean, I get that you think that shrieking about "cross dressing fetishists, mentally ill transgenders, and naked degenerates" is a normal, healthy thing to do, but you must understand on some level that THIS is what we're talking about when we point out what a repellent little freak you are.  Mustn't you?  I know you're trying to flip the script, but I don't think that doing the thing we're attacking you for EVEN HARDER is really going to be an effective response.  I'm trying to think of what an effective response WOULD be, and the only thing I can come up with is "stop being weird."  And I think that might be...a bit of a lift.  So, have fun tangling yourself in knots.

So, do you want me to admit I was wrong that Biden should stay in, hell or high water?  Okay, I was wrong, although really, how was I or anyone supposed to know that the Democrats would come together in an orderly and disciplined fashion?  'Cause like half the people who wanted Biden out also wanted some sort of horrible reality-show speed-primary, and if THAT had happened, we'd be looking at a VERY different picture now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Wow. So disappointing that you are a leftist!
