Q. How many liberals does it take to change a lightbu-A. THAT'S NOT FUNNY.
Have a look at this, and scroll through the comments until your eyes have rolled back so far in your head that you can't see anymore. I always like the New Yorker's cover, and this is one of the funnier ones in some time. Michelle as Angela Davis is a nice touch. It is very difficult for me to fathom how ANYONE could perceive the picture as anything other than a not-that-subtle swipe at republican hysteria, but evidently there are actually a disheartening number of people who are champing at the bit to confirm the stereotype of liberals as dour and humorless by fulminating that they are NOT amused--many if not most of them sufficiently dimwitted that they didn't even understand that it was meant to be a joke. There are actually fucktards in that thread urging people to CALL THE MAGAZINE and threaten to CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION if they don't change it (the idea that anyone that cognitively primitive actually has a New Yorker subscription is, if true, highly dispiriting). No, actually, you're wrong: it IS funny. What's also funny is that I somehow share a political party with a bunch of joyless ideologues like you. Lighten the fuck up. Nobody who was ever going to vote for Obama anyway is going to see an obvious bit of satire in the New Yorker (isn't that one of them there dreaded élitist magazines?) and think, whoa--he really IS a terra-ist! Gadzooks, and furthermore, odsbodkins.
Update: improved title with old but sadly accurate joke
Update: improved title with old but sadly accurate joke