is a website that
exists on the internet. It has a stock photo for you to enjoy on the
front page. This post is SERIOUSLY supposed to be 300-500 words? I
feel like a kid who's been assigned an essay for which they have zero
inspiration and have to just furiously tread water to make the word
count. I was in that situation a few times in college, or maybe more
than a few, I'm kind of embarrassed about a lot of my output at that
time. Jesus Christ, we're not even halfway there. Should I just
list random facts from the website? That sounds kind of boring. I
mean, I KNOW they're just trying to do some search optimization
thing, which won't work very well because I did not include a link to
their site and I intentionally mangled their name when I mentioned it
and also I obscured it in the screenshot, but you REALLY have to
wonder: what would ANYONE say about this? Also, where do they get
the nerve to demand that random strangers say things about their
website? If you're not paying me for this, what possible incentive
is there? Two hundred words. I mean, I would assume it was a real
website, it looks legit, but the fact that they send spam to
strangers makes me doubt myself, so that may be a somewhat
counterproductive thing to do. Well, the fact that the alleged human
who sent me this "offer" doesn't have an email with the
actual site's domain name might be another red flag, as might the
fact that her alleged name is different than the one in her email. I
do appreciate being called "dear," however. It makes me
feel like ol' Ellen and I have a real relationship. That's 300.