Duck Comics: Holiday Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Marathon
Details here. I'm not going to post a link here every day, 'cause that would get monotonous, but long story short, there's going to be a new post every day from tomorrow through Christmas, so check 'em out if you want to.
Well there's no connexion with these post, but I wanted to say something.
I found your blog by chance, and it allowed me to make severals discoveries, musically speaking. Thanks to you, I now know some kick ass bands that I would never know, Such as the several projects of Munly, Slim Cessna's Autoclub[I'm going to see them in january], 16 horsepower and Woven hand, and several others bands, more or less related with the others, like O'death, Juke Baritone, Dead Brothers, Strawfoot, and maybe more... So I just wanted to thank you, I'm enjoying reading your texts, and by the way, I'm also a huge fan of Uncle Scrooge, Carl Bark and Don Rosa. So, I think that you could like a french band (disbanded now), they got some inspirations from Nick Cave and 16 Horsepower. Have a good day.
Hey, thanks. I'm always glad to hear when someone enjoys this stuff. You'll like Slim Cessna--great live show. If you want to name this French band, I'll check them out.
Hu, I forgot to put the name in my previous post...The band's name is Jack The Ripper, they made 3 albums [The Book of Lies, I'm coming, Ladies First]
They're disbanded now, but except the singer, they made a band named The Fitzcaraldo's sessions, wich have 1 song=1 guest singer.
Happy new year by the way.