Friday, August 21, 2009

My favorite part of the Sun-Gazette.

It's the Comic Corner, written by a fellow named Adam B. Wilson, and appearing semi-regularly in the weekly Showcase section ("Your guide to entertainment in central Pennsylvania--insert "world's shortest books" joke). In this, uh, column, Wilson merrily enumerates an aggressively decontexualized, fans-only list of things that have evidently happened in recent superhero comics, in the over-enthusiastic "Yeah! Violence!" tones of a hyperactive thirteen-year-old. So:

Even though a matter of months had passed in the Ultimate Marvel Universe, only a week or two passed for us before Marvel unveiled two of its newest series, "Ultimate Comics: Avengers" and "Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man."

First on the list was the Avengers, with Captain America and the psychopathic marksman Hawkeye as the main two characters. The issue started off with Nick Fury and Hawkeye talking about Ultimatum, and what happened to the world.

Hawkeye then began his story about the Red Skull, and how Cap has gone rogue and after him.

We then got a brilliant flashback showing Hawkeye and Captain America going after a bunch of terrorists in helicopters.

It was quite thrilling and took up most of the book. Cap then found himself up against the Red Skull, who wiped the floor with Cap. In the end, Cap revealed a devastating secret about him and the Red Skull that no one saw coming.

The second of the two new comics revolved around Spider-Man, and how he's still alive and Marvel lied to us once again.

Somehow, it's hard for me to imagine that Wilson has spent a lot of time thinking about who his intended audience is here. And since I don't think there really is an intended audience, I don't for a moment believe that anyone reads it in the spirit intended (pretending for a moment that there IS some kind of intention). But it makes me giggle hysterically every time. I can just picture Wilson's older, staider editors--people who haven't the faintest idea what he's on about--giving each other doubtful looks but then shrugging and concluding,'s what the kids are into. I guess.

Sometimes it's just too cute the way this place plays at being a legitimate city.


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