Macedonio Fernández, The Museum of Eterna's Novel (the first good novel)
Here's a novel by an Argentine writer
(1874-1952). He was apparently kind of a local capital-C Character;
literarily, he was more admired locally than internationally, even in
the Hispanophone world. That's my understanding, anyway. But, he
was admired by various Argentine writers, including Borges (to whose
work his influence was apparently vital). This--which, like most of
his work, was published postumously, under the editorship of his son;
he was writing it, on and off, for the last twenty-seven years of his
life--is his only work to have been translated into English thusfar,
by Open Letter
Books, a cool publisher whose mission is to publish ten
interesting literary translations a year. Worth keeping an eye on!
When describing this novel, the first
thing everyone will tell you--because, obviously, it's the unique
thing about it--is that it begins with fifty-eight prologues, making
up slightly more than half of the total novel. These are about all
manner of things: his novel-writing philosophy (he's very keen on
making prominent the artificiality of the novel); someone fervid
philosophizing on the relationship between text, reader, and writer;
stories about characters who were rejected for the novel or who
rejected it themselves; evaluations of the "performances"
of characters--one inevitably thinks of At
Swim-Two-Birds, which was written broadly contemporaneously
to this. They can be a bit sloppy and self-indulgent (oh, who are we
kidding: hella self-indulgent), but by and large,
they're kind of a hoot, and they definitely get one revved up for the
novel proper. If one can call it that in a book like this. There's
nothing proper about it!
Well, but then it begins, and man...I
kind of wasn't totally feeling it. Inasmuch as one can say it's
about anything, it's about the lives of various characters living in
an estancia called--yup--"La Novela." I mean, that's fine
with me; I can dig it. But the way it's less interesting
to me than I might have hoped. It basically continues with the
themes that the prologues started, but it was hard to be
super-interested, perhaps because the characters are neither very characterized nor interesting, and no one ever really does
anything. They have names like Maybegenius and The Lover and
Sweetheart, which seems like it could lead
somewhere interesting, but does it? Does it
really? I was mostly unmoved. The most interesting thing, really,
is the way the novel tries to make the reader into a character of
sorts in the novel, but it's kind of an underdeveloped theme, and I
just was not swept away. Please forgive me.
God knows I'm glad to see books like
this translated. That's what I like about being a native
English-speaker. Maybe it's selfish of me, because it is, yes yes I
know, an imperialist language, but it really is a great first
language to have for someone who likes reading. You have all the
great works written natively in it--which is a lot--and you also have
a huge translation culture. Obviously, there are works that aren't
translated that you wish would be--see here--but I
still feel pretty good about it. However, it's sometimes the case
that a heralded translation of a long-untranslated book doesn't quite
end up living up to the hype, and I think that's the case here.
There are other, better-known Latin American writers who probably
really deserve my attention more than this, which, let's face it, I
read more out of my craving for novelty than anything else.